What Kind of Advice Do Financial Advisers Give?

Suppose you have significant financial decisions to make, ones you cannot afford to make a mistake that you might not have known of. In that case, a financial adviser can help you navigate all the possibilities of the pros and cons of your decision and conclude a suggestion that would be most suitable for your circumstances.

If you’re curious to learn about the areas financial advisers can help you with, continue reading this blog post to know the financial advice, you can access. In some cases, the type of advice you need would often be more than the scope mentioned below. The best thing to do in this case is to contact us directly, and we can discuss the scope of this in your first free 30 minutes consultation call. 

Your Financial MOT

From time to time, you would need to check up on your current financial plans to ensure that everything is performing as it should while also reflecting on how you can better invest in your savings. Sometimes you may have unexpected life changes that require you to adjust plans. Financial advisers are there to help you navigate around the investment options most suitable for you. Unlike a piece of advice that a friend can give, financial advisers are trained to understand the 360 scopes of the financial industry and, therefore, would have answers to your questions. This includes being able to identify any possible mistakes you might not have thought about.

In short, financial MOT can help review whether your savings, investments, and retirements are all on track.

Protection Review

Although protection review can be overlooked by many, often a great thing to revisit here and there to walk through the contingency plans should anything unexpected happen. The financial adviser can advise you on either personal review or business review, ensuring that all protections are set up in case you fall ill, your family or the beneficiary of your choice may receive the cover from your passing.

Retirement Planning

Retirement is an important topic to think about but not often spoken about until it’s too late. Here in the UK, did you know that 43% of the population admit they don’t know how much they will need in their retirement and end up with just around £60k in their pot, while to live a comfortable retirement life, they would need a minimum of £200k+? The sooner you address this, the sooner you can adjust your investment plans to make a comfortable or luxury retirement possible. We look at your contributions and calculate your end goal against the realistic amount you were to receive with your current contribution, and adjust to meet your goals.

At Retirement Recommendation

As you are approaching your retirement, many things would require you to review to ensure you are still on track for your retirement. The goal would be to get the retirement of your dreams so that you can enjoy your desired lifestyle. This session would review all your pots and calculate some numbers to help us together meet your dream retirement lifestyle.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is essential to address as you don’t want your assets to end up in the places you wish for them not to be. In estate planning, we will look at how your assets will be preserved, managed and distributed after your passing or in the event they become incapacitated.

Investment Advice

If you were to trust anyone about a piece of investment advice, we would suggest a financial adviser. Financial advisers did hours on end of extensive research before they’re qualified to give you that piece of advice. That being said, they have 360 knowledge within the financial industry where they can look at your financial circumstances and provide you with the best option to help you maximise your investments.

We hope you have found this blog post helpful. If you are considering financial advice, why not book a call for a free 30 minutes consultation with us.


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